Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jungle Talk

Sorry for the lack of blogs lately, but I had some emergency surgery this month (who knew your gallbladder could get gangrene?!), and it kind threw me for a loop for a few weeks.
But in that time, I had a MAJOR record haul and as soon as get them, I'll post 'em here.
Anyway, I've been meaning to post this for weeks...
Here is the mysterious Kai Ray's I Want Some of That/Trashman's Blues.
For everything you would ever want to "know" about Kai Ray, check out the great interview with the man in an old issue of KICKS!
This record has a huge pedigree. It's a Mad Mike killer (in fact, I think he had a hand in it's release?), The Cramps lifted parts of it, and the fabulous Trashmen took their name from the b-side!
It's amazing to me that the b-side hasn't been comped more than it has, because it's a great song in it's own right. But with an a-side like I Want Some of That, I guess it's not too surprising.
For anyone who keeps track of such things, this is one of my favorite records of all time...




  1. I hope your recovery goes well!

  2. Hope your feeling better. I've enjoyed your posts.

  3. I hope you are feeling better. Great post.
    Read it in Kicks? Good luck finding a copy!I would love to see the Kicks zines either reissued or put out in book form. Mine are in storage, and I haven't seen them in years. Amazing Zines, I wish that Billy and Miriam were still putting them out

  4. i have every issue except number one! i too wish they still did the magazine, but when you think about it, every release norton puts out have outstanding liner notes. to me, this is an extension of the magazine. the liner's to the mad mike lp's are mindblowing, i think i've read them 3 times...

    also, the bit about kai ray in kicks was sort of a joke on my part, the interviewer (jim marshall, i think?) could not get him to talk and the transcript is just "kai" avoiding the caller!

  5. The original was Jungle Talk by Shane Kai Ray on Lodestar....Mike used to play it and everyone in Pittsburgh thought it was called "I Want Some Of That"....National Record Mart put out the above record....they were one of Mike's sponsers
