Friday, June 21, 2024

Kogar's Jungle Juice Show #67


Here is Jungle Juice show #68! 2 hours of wild and crazy rekkids to put you in the Jungle Mood! This show features our tribute to music and wrasslin’ fan, Scott Cornish, who left us far too soon! 2 hours of wild and crazy toons preeesented at 45 RPM, the way the jungle gods intended! This show features artists like; The Nite Cats, The Vibro-Sonics, The Lamplighters, the Champions, T. Valentine, Alton and Jimmy, Tiny Fuller, The Stompin Riff Raffs, Bloodshot Bill, The Mummies and the A-Bones!  Full set list available over at the Boss Radio 66 blogspot!

 Show 67 Was #1 Doo Wop and Rhythm and Blues, 2nd Instrumental, 3rd in Rockabilly and 3rd in Garage Rock! (mixcloud)

Show #68

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