Friday, July 26, 2024

Kogar's Jungle Juice Show #73 Pete "Mad Daddy" Myers Special!


Get MAD, Dad!

Well howdy doo there mello muffins and ghoul rockers! Hang loose mother goose, it’s episode 73 of JUNGLE JUICE! Today we have a special WAVY GRAVY show about one of our favorite DJ’s of all time, the completely Maddest Dad of them all, Mad Daddy! These songs will have you rockin n’ reelin and HANGING from the ceiling! This show, it really swings, it features crazy wavy vampire wings! All ROUND SOUNDS, none of square! In order to dance, you should move your tables and chairs!  Preeesented with all original 45’s on this show, we’ll let the real deal Mello Jello FLOWWWWWW! This show features artists such as; The Chiefs, Mel Smith, The Champs, Andre Williams, Billy Storm, The Puddle Jumpers and THE JOKER!  The full play list is SICK SICK SICK! You can get it over at….BOSS RADIO 66!

Extra Special Download link! Hear the show without any of my pesky break ins! Just the Maddest music and the Mad Daddy doing his thing! download as an MP3 and enjoy the show any ol' time!

Just the Mad Daddy, Jack!

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