Sorry for the lack of blogs lately, but I had some emergency surgery this month (who knew your gallbladder could get gangrene?!), and it kind threw me for a loop for a few weeks.
But in that time, I had a MAJOR record haul and as soon as get them, I'll post 'em here.
Anyway, I've been meaning to post this for weeks...
Here is the mysterious Kai Ray's I Want Some of That/Trashman's Blues.
For everything you would ever want to "know" about Kai Ray, check out the great interview with the man in an old issue of KICKS!
This record has a huge pedigree. It's a Mad Mike killer (in fact, I think he had a hand in it's release?), The Cramps lifted parts of it, and the fabulous Trashmen took their name from the b-side!
It's amazing to me that the b-side hasn't been comped more than it has, because it's a great song in it's own right. But with an a-side like I Want Some of That, I guess it's not too surprising.
For anyone who keeps track of such things, this is one of my favorite records of all time...