Sunday, April 23, 2023

Kogar's Jungle Juice Show #24


Here is Kogar's Jungle Juice Episode #24!

An extra action packed show featuring a chunk of the new release on Idle Cherub Records called THEY CALL US HOLY ROLLERS: SERPENT HANDLING SOUTHERN GOSPEL. It's exactly what you think it is! Crazy rockabilly/rock and roll played by snake handling madmen/women from Jolo West Virginia! Scream with fright! Dance with delight as the fervor grabs you! Gospel in the JUGULAR VEIN! You just might "dance your shoe-heel off!" Also featuring sound bits from various snake handling documentaries from the past!

Added bonus attraction; a heaping set of songs with the Bo Diddley Beat! All served up with the usual Jungle Juice Nonsense!

Club your mate, make a drink in a fancy glass and get BIT by the sound of it all!

Show #24!